Sunday, September 03, 2006

i am ANNOYED. . . .went back to college last week, went to get ma final project from ma last year, to find that one of my sections have been ripped off, and is long gone, and i couldnt find my table and cutlery and stuff that i had put there to complement my design, i spent 4 hours looking for said table to find that one of the second years had taken it into their class to use it. and my cutlery is long gone. so to all hnd 2 interior design at the met... i hope dingoes eat all your children and you develop lepracy at a later age, and when you are dead i hope vultures eat your eyes.
love me xx


At 1:42 pm, Blogger Byrney said...

Don't forget to curse future generations. Nothing like a good ol' lineage curse to get revenge.

At 8:12 am, Blogger lorn said...

tee hee:)
AND the bastards stole the t shirt i made tho...its a joke tho.
anyhoo enuff of that


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